Hi, I'm Rishav Chaudhary.

Self-driven, quick starter, passionate programmer with a curious mind who enjoys solving complex and challenging real-world problems.


I am a Computer Science Graduate at Graphic Era Hill University. I enjoy problem-solving and coding. Always strive to bring 100% to the work I do. I have worked on technologies like Python, Django, Flask, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS, Java, C++, Solidity, and Blockchain during my bachelor's. I have 16 months of professional work experience which helped me strengthen my experience in Python, Flask, and Django. I am passionate about developing complex applications that solve real-world problems impacting millions of users.

  • Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, C, C++, HTML/CSS, Bash, Solidity, HTML 5, CSS 3
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • Libraries: NumPy, Pandas, OpenCV
  • Frameworks: Flask, Django, Node.js, Keras, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Bootstrap, Apache Beam, React.js, Angular.js
  • Tools & Technologies: Git, Docker, AWS, GCP, Heroku, JIRA, Azure, IBM Cloud

Looking for an opportunity to work in a challenging position combining my skills in Software Engineering, which provides professional development, interesting experiences and personal growth.


Full Stack Engineer Intern
  • Developed a high-performance Agile product backlog Management Spring Boot application, utilizing microservices to streamline message queues and implement event sourcing, resulting in a 50% reduction in latency and enhanced system reliability.
  • Developed and maintained back-end systems for a large-scale web application using JVM languages such as Java.
  • Utilized relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL) for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Supported the implementation of RESTful APIs for seamless communication with front-end applications.
  • Tools: Springboot, Angular.js, MySQL, Microservices, Spring Framework, SpringBoot, Representational State Transfer (REST),Tailwind CSS,JavaServer Pages (JSP)
January 2023 - July 2023 | Bengaluru, India
Software Engineer Intern
  • Created full stack program implementing reinforcement learning ML algorithms to auto-heal systems errors in Python utilizing Django, REST API framework, & Cassandra.
  • Utilized data streaming and messaging frameworks such as Kafka and Spark to optimize real-time data processing and analytics.
  • Developed REST-based Web Services to interact with backend/internal systems and increased user interaction by 20%, Improved the Software quality by 25% by fixing 250 bugs using Java and JavaScript, and MongoDB.
  • Tools: MongoDB, Blockchain, JUnit, API Development, Python, AWS Lambda, AWS Elastic Beanstal, Amazon Web Services
March 2022 – May 2022 | Dehradun, India
Research Intern
  • Led the Samsung initiative as the Team Lead under the supervision of Prof. Kamlesh Kukreti.
  • Collaborated with senior developers to integrate cloud services (AWS) into the application for enhanced scalability.
  • Created an alert system to send notifications and emails when the parameters exceed the threshold.
  • Implemented distributed tracing and monitoring tools like Zipkin, Prometheus, and ELK stack to ensure continuous monitoring of system health.
  • Implemented a mobile application using Java and React Native, enabling seamless user interaction.
  • Achieved a remarkable accuracy rate of 98% in the automated food monitoring system, ensuring reliable data analysis.
  • Tools: Software Design, Data Science, Sensors, Arduino IDE, SQL, Research and Development (R&D), Android, Machine Learning, Java, Python.
Aug 2021 - Jan 2022 | Bengaluru, India


music streaming app
Blockchain based Electronic Health Record

A customer-centric blockchain application maintained by the hospital to store a medical record of the patient securely with keeping the patient at the center.

  • Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Solidity, Truffle Framework, Ehereum Blockchain
  • Built backend smart contracts with Solidity programming and deployed the application in an Ethereum blockchain.
  • Designed and implemented test scripts on the smart contracts using the Truffle framework.
Face Recognition Attendance app
Face Recognition Attendance System


  • Tools: OpenCv, Computer Vision, MySQL, Python, Heroku
  • Used Python, Computer Vision and OpenCV for face detection with 98% accuracy.
  • Used MySQL to register the name in the database along with the day and time of attendance.
graph Visualizer app
Pathfinding Visualizer

Developed an interactive web application that visually demonstrates various pathfinding algorithms in action, showcasing maze-solving capabilities.

  • Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, ReactJS, Data Structures, Algorithms
  • Created real-time visualizations using HTML5 Canvas, enhancing the user experience and engagement.
  • Developed an interactive web application showcasing pathfinding algorithms (Dijkstra's and A*), built using JavaScript and ReactJS.
Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning
Fake News Detection Using Machine Learning

Detection System for fake news using machine learning with accuracy of 97% magnitude.

  • Tools:OpenCV, Python
  • Built a system to detect fake news with Python obtaining an accuracy of 97% magnitude.
Simulation Architecture Frame
Samsung Smart Container

Research project for Samsung to automate monitoring and the safety of components inside a container under the guidance of Prof. Kamlesh Kukreti.

  • Tools:Software Design, Data Science, Sensors, SQL, Arduino IDE, Research and Development (R&D), Android, Machine Learning, Java, Python (Programming Language), Data Analysis
  • Implemented distributed tracing and monitoring tools like Zipkin, Prometheus, and ELK stack to ensure continuous monitoring of system health.
  • Achieved a remarkable accuracy rate of 98% in the automated food monitoring system, ensuring reliable data analysis.
  • Implemented a mobile application using Java and React Native, enabling seamless user interaction.
  • Collaborated with senior developers to integrate cloud services (AWS) into the application for enhanced scalability
Screenshot of  web app
Agile product backlog Management Portal

Agile product backlog Management Portal

  • Tools: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, SpringBoot, MySQL, Postgresql, Microservices,Angular js, Spring Framework, API Development, Microservices
  • Developed a high-performance Spring Boot application, utilizing microservices to streamline message queues and implement event sourcing, resulting in a 50% reduction in latency and enhanced system reliability.
  • Developed and maintained back-end systems for a large-scale web application using JVM languages such as Java.
  • Utilized relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL) for efficient data storage and retrieval.
  • Supported the implementation of RESTful APIs for seamless communication with front-end applications.


Languages and Databases

Shell Scripting




Node js
Tailwind CSS


git logoGit
aws logoAWS
heroku logoHeroku
git logoGithub
git logoPostman


Graphic Era Hill University

Dehradun, India

Degree: Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering
CGPA: First Class with Distinction

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Data Structures and Algorithms
    • Database Management Systems
    • Operating Systems
    • Machine Learning
    • Computer Vision
    • Blockchain Development
